The question was posed on Reddit a couple of years ago: If brands were brutally honest, which brand would have what slogan?
TurboTax: It's free, as long as you give us $60
RC Cola: we’re just happy to be involved in the taste test
Froot Loops: yes, they're all the same flavors
La Quinta: Spanish for "next to Denny's"
Harley Davidson: from the Great Depression to your Midlife Crisis
Tupperware: Have you ever wanted to throw away food, but just not now?
Nature Valley: Crumb Kerplosion
Apple iPad: distracting your toddler is now cheaper than a Nanny
Red Bull - I hope you like heart palpitations
BuzzFeed: because you’re too lazy to go on Reddit, and we’re too lazy to write original content
Facebook: your privacy is our business
Target: where you pay a little more to avoid going to Walmart
Pepsi: "Is Pepsi OK?"
Zoom: Pants optional
Benadryl: you can’t have allergies if you’re unconscious
Instagram: you'll never look this good
Comcast: We don't give a fuck, because we don't have to
Olive Garden: When you’re here, we hate you and your family
Steam: remember that over 70% of your games are unplayed
Alcohol: borrow happiness from tomorrow!